Political Endorsements

GGJAF endorses candidates who commit to the framework of a Feminist Anti-Racist Regenerative Economy, and to introduce and implement progressive legislation at the local, state, tribal and national levels.

GGJAF endorsements follow a participatory membership process, which includes meetings, interviews, education and study of the candidacy and how it aligns with our vision and grassroots policy advocacy for a FAREconomy. 

Brittany for Congress

GGJAF endorses grassroots movement leader Brittany Ramos DeBarros in her run to represent Staten Island and lower Brooklyn for New York’s 11th Congressional District in the 2022 midterm elections.

PRIMARY ELECTION: Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Brittany is a community organizer and former nonprofit organizing director whose experience includes working to end a foreign policy of permanent war and growing militarization in the U.S. She left her position in order to run in the New York primary as the progressive left challenger to the current centrist Democratic Party front runner Max Rose. If successful, Brittany will proceed to the general election against incumbent Nicole Malliotakis, the only Trumpist representing NYC in Congress. 

Her campaign demonstrates how neoliberal elected officials are failing us. There is broad demand for people-centered grassroots campaigns and leaders grounded in a vision for economic justice, care, jobs, climate justice, and housing for all.